Sunday, February 10, 2013

Individual Trifle Cups {FPF - Week 4}

The Friday Project Files is a fun feature where each Friday throughout 2013 I share a weekend project with a tutorial that you might like to try over the weekend! There is no guarantee that the projects were my idea originally, but I share my take on them! You can read more about FPF and see other FPF projects here (the list just keeps getting bigger so be sure to check back regularly!)

So, you might have noticed that I have been super slack in posting the Friday Project Files (or even blogging at all...) :( I do have a legitimate excuse though... just this past week I have started living away from home for my schooling. It's very different to what I am used to... no oven = no cooking, a teeny tiny bench = only tiny tiny craft projects, filtered internet = no Facebook etc. (not even sure if Blogger works!), dinner at 5.30pm = no time... So how is a cooking, crafty, life blogger like me supposed to survive! But I do look up to the saying... "where there's a will there's a way". And this weekend at home has been filled with projects all around the place, spending a lot of time on the computer and eating good food! Okay, so where was I?

Even though it's quite (okay, a lot) late, I really wanted to get this project out in time for Valentine's Day because it would be the perfect dessert to make for you and your valentine (or of course, just you :) and apart from the time needed to set the jelly and custard, they're quick and easy to make! Not to mention... delicious. So very delicious. Like seriously delicious... and don't they look super cute too? Yes, of course they do. So these desserts pretty much tick all the boxes.


To make some delicious mini trifle cups you will need the following ingredients and materials...
  • Tinned peaches (about 4 for 2 cups)
  • Butter (just to keep the biscuits together)
  • Plain biscuits (I used Marie)
  • Cream 
  • Custard (if you make your own, you will need all those ingredients too)
  • Jelly crystals (1 packet will do about 4 cups)
  • Choc flakes or grated chocolate  
I can suggest that you make up your own proportions. If you don't like jelly, put less of that and more custard/peaches/biscuit. The same works for everything!


The base of the trifle is like a non-bake cheesecake base. I used a fork to break up the biscuits and my (clean) hands to mix the butter in. The butter is just so that the base doesn't fall completely apart and sticks mostly together.


I can recommend smaller cups. The smaller the better because it's a challenge to eat all of it if you use big glasses. Not that that's a bad thing... I know we'd all fancy some for breakfast too!


This part took a bit of experimenting. If the jelly was too runny it went through the base and made it all soggy... If it was too solid then it didn't join together very nicely :( My advice is so set the jelly until it is ready and the take it out of the fridge and leave it out and after a while put it over the base. This worked for me very nicely but I can't say it will for everyone (different jelly brands, fridge temp, room temp)...

If you're smart you will have noticed I did this at two different times, once with red jelly and once with orange. If you noticed, well done! If you didn't, even better ;)


Thin, ultimately flat slices are the way to go!



I know you will! ;) They will be the perfect Valentine's treat or perfect for any special or everyday occasion! Seriously, is anyone else's mouth watering at the moment?? Too bad I already ate these ones...

And to add your own special touches for Valentines Day, it would be cute to use red or pink jelly and swap the choc flakes for choc sprinkles in a love heart shape ♥.

 If you do this project too and make yourself and your valentine (or just you...) these mouthwatering desserts, I would love for you to share a photo on my Facebook page, on Instagram with the hashtag #fridayprojectfiles, or through a comment on this post and you can be included in the FPF Project Page where there will be a collection of all the projects over the year. I can't wait to see how your trifles turn out!

Be sure to come back next week (if not before!) when I share a tutorial to make a cute piece of embroidery hoop art.

What are you doing for Valentine's Day? Anything special? Will having some of these for dessert be on your list now?

Have a good week (filled with love) xx


  1. Wow!! that sure looks yummy! going to have to try this..very soon!!

    1. They do, don't they, Marissa? My mouth is watering just looking at the photos! It has been way too long since I made them and I think I know what we'll be having for dessert on the weekend!

  2. very nice juice, sake, fruite...
    i like it. i will try at home sourely .


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